Your suggestion "go with the flow" is not feasible. If "roguelike" means something different now, what word should we use to describe the games we are interested in?
Also, where do you get your statistics from? All roguelike communities definitely are interested in the genre in its modern state, and agree that Enter the Gungeon is not a roguelike. They are probably just underrepresented in your circles.
Anyway, regarding going with the flow -- there was once a popular genre called "doom clone". It was good marketing. Then "doom clones" started to be seen as uninspired. The genre is still popular but is called "first person shooter" instead. Similarly, I see lots of people getting annoyed by games being called "roguelikes", as again, lots of them are uninspired. So it is likely that devs will stop using this buzzword as it loses its magic. Only actual roguelikes will use it. And that will be good for everyone. Speeding up the process is a good thing.